Linda Ikeji Reveals How She Earns ₦600,000 (Per Banner Ad Per Month)

If you own a website or a blog and you've been posting free adverts, articles, pictures, songs, announcements, press releases and sidebar adverts for friends, family and even people you have never seen in person, I'm not going to ask you to stop it or keep it up - All I'm going to say is that you're doing the exact opposite of what one of Nigeria's top-earning bloggers, Linda Ikeji is doing right now.

In this exclusive interview with Ndani TV, Linda Ikeji reveals how she built a multimillion Naira blogging business and how she makes 600,000 Naira (approximately $4,000) per banner ad per month on her blog, while a top header banner could be as high as a million ($7,000) per ad.

Fellow bloggers and non-bloggers, what is the way forward with commercial blogging? *wink*

For those who might be interested in viewing the whole interview, click HERE or view below:


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