How to make a beautiful baby and much more in this 'Combo Edition'

Simply SAMAD Combo Edition
[1] Simply Samad Baby of the year
[2] How to make a beautiful baby?

An expectant mother throws this question open and gets a whole lot of responses. Enjoy!
“I am two weeks pregnant. What should I be eating to have a healthy beautiful baby?
If I eat a lot of soy milk will my baby most likely become a girl? Or is the sex already determined at two weeks? I am nowhere close to pretty but if I eat healthy organic food and try to remain mentally & physically healthy throughout my pregnancy will my baby have less physical deformities? I want a beautiful symmetrical baby.
I have been having sex with my boyfriend for the past month. I took a pregnancy test yesterday. I am now pregnant.”


You should love your child no matter what it looks like.

Eating a lot of citric juices will increase its productivity up to 10%!!

Take your prenatals and eat healthy it has nothing to do with what you look like and also I’m not judging you but I’ve heard ugly parents have beautiful babies. Also they are always beautiful no matter what.

The sex is determined from the second the sperm joins the egg and your baby is gonna be beautiful no matter what…are you serious?

You should accept your baby for who she/he is, regardless of their beauty. That’s what a good mother would do. And symmetrical babies are way overrated.

Your baby’s sex was determined when the sperm met the egg because the sperm determines boy or girl. Your baby will be beautiful regardless, but you should definitely eat healthy.

I think by the time your baby is born, you’ll be happy with whatever you get! However, how do you know you’re two weeks pregnant? Positive tests don’t result until 3-6 weeks.

If you or your bf/husband aren’t ‘beautiful & symmetrical’…your baby is out of luck. Eating healthy won’t make them better looking. It’s a good start for them to be healthy, but that’s about it.

All babies are beautiful. Yours will be too.

Only the genes of you and your significant other determine the physical features of your baby, and no amount of soy milk can change that. There are many, many problems that can be avoided though regarding the health of your baby by staying away from smoking, drinking, etc.
Once your baby is conceived, the genes are already there, and there is no changing it.
Good luck, congrats on your baby!

you sound a little like a troll….but anyway, the sex of the baby is determined at the second you get pregnant. Nothing you eat or don’t eat will change that. (if you don’t know that you shouldn’t be having sex in the first place) And really? Two weeks pregnant?? You don’t know you’re pregnant at two weeks. Yup. Troll.

The sex of your baby is determined at conception.
Your baby’s looks don’t have anything to do with your mental and physical stability! Your baby will turn out beautiful regardless! It’s called unconditional love. There are no such things as ugly babies.

I am no expert but my mom said that the doctor told her to eat fruits and lots of protien foods to keep the baby normal my guess to make it a pretty baby hope the dad is handsome because it is a gene thing but my mom is not the most beautiful is u no what i mean but i came out very blessed with looks.

Lol, well…your baby’s look are in the air, you’ll never know. But you will love him or her no matter what they look like, I promise. My son was born with hair on his ears, wrists, back and ankles and whenever I saw someone else with a hairy baby I was always like…whoa, what the? But man my baby was gorgeous! The most beautiful baby in the world. All the hair is gone now and I miss it sooo much

You shouldn’t want your baby to look a certain way. Eating proper foods with definitely make your baby healthy, but in now way, shape, or form will it change its genes.
The appearance of your baby is determined by the genes you and your husband carry, you can not predetermine what he/she will look like, and are totally irresponsible for even thinking you can.
One good thing is that fact that you are eating right and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Hope you have a healthy baby girl or boy NO MATTER WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE.

You can’t be serious. You just really can’t be.

Ask any mom with a good looking baby you half to be good looking and the guy who helps you make it has to be good looking.

You can’t change your baby’s DNA by what you eat…

All babies are beautiful. The sex organs are not formed yet, but already determined. Just eat healthy, don’t smoke or drink alcohol and hope for the best. I’m sure that everything will be fine and your baby will be beautiful.

The sex of the baby is determined by which type of sperm cell fertilizes your egg. Eating doesn’t affect it at all. (7th grade life science honey) And btw, smoking marijuana while pregnant has been proven to make your baby smart. BUT, it is illegal…so don’t get caught.

Every mother thinks their child is beautiful. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of your baby. At two weeks pregnant your baby’s gender is already determined.

In my opinion all babies are beautiful… in order to have a healthy baby just eat at least 6 small meals a day to make sure your baby gets the nutrition i didn’t find out that i was pregnant until i was almost 5 weeks and i had morning sickness day and night my doctor told me to eat whatever i could keep down so therefore the baby still got some nutrients just keep taking your prenatal their good for you and your baby but if you don’t have morning sickness just eat healthy food like veggies and fruit and lots of water so u stay hydrated… also exercise like walking not only will it help you lose the baby weight in the end but its suppose to help make delivery easier…

Culled from Babiespreferorganic
