Another Satanic Message in Rihanna's New Video?

Has anyone seen Rihanna’s new video for the song, ‘Where Have You Been?’

Well, I have and I enjoyed the creativity, daring costume, melody of the song, impressive choreography, visually engaging costume, the fluid transition and the subtle yet effective use of graphical effects.

The singer has since earned her place as one of America’s finest music starsm on and off the red carpet.

However, I did not miss the all-seeing eye – the notorious symbol of the Illuminati insignia.

At the part where she was in the middle of a group of girls, they all raised their arms together, formed a huge eye and then brought their arms down and while returning it back up, they successfully illustrated the controversial blinking eye. The moment I saw it, I knew that once again, Rihanna had kept the occult Iluminati in a visible spot of her latest musical offering.

What do you think?

By Samod Biobaku


  1. It is sad to see a beautiful woman like Rihanna waste the talent the good Lord gave her and sell her soul for fame and fortune,to let the illuminati control her. One day the world will end. Where will her soul go? To hell and I hope all that she sold her soul was worth it. How can somebody like her be naïve about what the illumanati are about. Does she think its about rainbow and butterflies. THE ILLUMANATI IS ABOUT DESTROYING THE WORLD


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