Hezbollah Claims it Sent Drone Over Israel
The leader of the Shia militant movement Hezbollah in Lebanon said his group is responsible for launching a drone into Israel last week, and Iranians made the drone.
Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said on the movement's television channel that the drone flew over "sensitive sites" in Israel.
"This drone is not Russian made, this drone was an Iranian made," he said. The drone "was assembled by the specialized Hezbollah team. The Lebanese should be proud of that."
The Israeli air force shot down the unmanned device Saturday over the northern Negev desert, the Israeli Defense Forces said.
The drone, which was hovering over Gaza and had entered Israeli airspace, wasn't carrying weapons or explosives, military spokeswoman Avital Leibovich said.
Nasrallah boasted that it wasn't the first time Hezbollah has sent aerial drones over Israel. He said the group can do it "whenever we want" inside "occupied Palestine."
Source: CNN
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