If You're a Wife or Wife-to-be, Read This

This is specially for wives and intending wives; as it may save you the risk of having a stroke and high BP.

1. Most Men cannot have sex exclusively with just one woman, for the rest of their lives.

2. Men are created with varied sexual appetite, some men can do without sex for a year, others cannot do without sex for a week.

3. A man who's madly in love with one woman can still have sex with other women but still love his 'woman'.

4. Some of the best husbands have concubines or mistresses, these extra marital affairs play a role in keeping the man sane and free of sexual tensions, especially during mid-life crises.

5. If your man is just having sex with some sweet sexy teen or babe, DO NOT WORRY. But, if your man starts? making midnight calls and exchanging text messages with another lady at odd hours, BE VERY WORRIED.

6. Before you choose your man, ensure he believes in AIDs, STDs and protected sex. That way, chances are that he will not bring HIV and other STDs into your life.

7. Most chronic wife beaters are faithful husbands, they hardly have extra marital affairs.

8. Most 'extra' loving husbands have concubines, these concubines keep the man abreast on new ways of making women happy.

9. Your man's mistress or concubine is most times not interested in you or your home. She has already seen your pictures and those of your kids via your hubby's phone. She and your hubby just have a sexual understanding or partnership which helps both deal with peculiar individual issues.

10. As a woman, if you go all out in a bid to catch your husband red-handed cheating, you WILL succeed. Then what next? If you listen hard to your domestic servants in their private discussions, you will certainly hear them insult you, so why listen?

11. Judge your man by his responsibilities towards you and the kids, and NOT by who he's giving 'doggie style' to in the office.

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  1. 12. Take consolation in the certainty of maternity. Nobody can pass off other women's children as yours and make you spend your life savings on them. This is one of the main advantages of womanhood.

    13. If you must open a joint account with your husband,put only enough money to feed the family for one month. Have another account of your own,for the main dough. Many wives end up in asylums when their husbands empty their joint accounts and elope with another woman.

    14. Convince your husband to use condoms for family planning, to avoid getting nasty diseases from his other women.

    Always make the safety of your wife and children your priority.

    1. Never date your wife's friend or hairdresser. They can easily harm her since she doesn't know them as rivals.

    2. Never bring the other woman into your home whether in your wife's presence (as a cousin,colleague,etc) or in her absence. If she is married,rent a secret meeting place for her.

    3. Protect your children. Don't show their pictures to the other woman. She may harm them,especially if you dump her later.

    4. Don't neglect your wife,unless you want to spend your life savings on other people's children. A woman's infidelity is harder to detect.

  2. Thanks for the additional points. They are deeply appreciated and quite interesting too.


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