The Sexy Side Of ASA [+5 PHOTOS]

For Nigeria's music queen, Asa, her musical brilliance has never come under question - Never!

However, i know for a fact that one of the words rarely used to describe her is sexy but guess what, i just came across these sexy-looking photos of Asa and i couldn't help sharing them with you.

Take a peek at the three images and tell us if you find Asa sexy or not.

Here are other images and artworks of Asa for your viewing:

By Samod Biobaku


  1. Don't know about you ? But she just aint sexy enough for me,so so so sorry to say this but wouldn't date asha if she was the only lady left on planet earth,but a big fan of her work.... U rock asha bt sexy ? NOOO

  2. Well, you have a very concrete point. You have no idea how hard it is to think of Asa in a sexy way. She just doesn't fit into that kind of classification but you'll also have to agree that this is the closest that she has ever come to looking sexy. That was precisely why i thought she deserved the buzz on this one. About your comment on dating her, i still can't stop giggling. Lol. On her song, again, you're right. She remains Nigeria's biggest musical export - an amazing singer i must say. Thanks for the comment dear Anonymous one. *wink*

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