Which Celebrity Said This When Asked About Her Marriage Plans? [KNOW YOUR CELEBRITIES]

Barely two years ago, this celebrity was asked about her take on marriage especially to guys she has dated in the past and she said:

"I Can Buy Myself a Fuckin’ Ring..."

Do you know who this is. She's an international music star. She has two names that always stay together. The first begins with the 12th alphabet while the second begins with the 7th English alphabet.

She has a taste many describe with words like weird, ungodly and sometimes, outright demonic.

Oh Please! You should have her name by now. Here's a final clue - In 2010, she wore a dress made of raw meat to the Video Music Awards (VMA).

If you still don't know who this is, you should be taken to Alaska in winter, stripped naked and forced to drink 20 cups of cold water in public.

By Samod Biobaku
