Was This Girl Drunk or Did She Forget About Facebook and Twitter? [PHOTO]

After i looked at this picture, i just shook my head in dismay. It appears more and more individuals have lost sight of what recording gadgets should be used for and the kind of images they ought to capture.

It's alright to have fun but when we begin to cross the threshold of  carelessness and reckless behaviour, i guess the least i can do is to remind those of us who indulge in capturing naked and semi nude images of ourselves that such pictures can now go a very long way - thanks to the incredible reach of the internet.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and many others have now made it easy to share images with millions of internet users across the world and if you wouldn't want to wake up one day and have your nude picture on the web, i'm guessing your best bet is not to capture such images in the first place.

A word is enough for the wise.
