How To Get a Shape Ladies Love in 10 Minutes [in Nigeria But Not Restricted To It]

This post is not about dietary supplements or calories. Rather, it's about the plain truth.

I'm glad I've hardly ever wished for another body, not because I naturally have 6 packs, broad shoulders and remarkable biceps and triceps but largely because I take my body seriously enough to build it into what I want.

When it comes to exercising and working out, I have been across the entire 9 yards - I've been to the gym, done sit-ups and push-ups at home, hit the road jogging, been to the stadium for sprints, had boxers as girlfriends and joined their training sessions but here's one thing I've learnt over the years - getting a lovely masculine physique is not magic. It's like gold and you must apply the heat.

All you need is as little as 10 minutes everyday before you shower and the will (and consistency) to sustain your drive.

Start slowly with about 10 push-ups, 5 sit-ups and 3 pull-ups (better if you have the heart and stamina to shoot for a higher number) and avoid making excuses for not working out.

As the days roll by, you'll realise that the little numbers you started with does not take strength as they took when you started - It's getting easier. Just keep pushing up the numbers till you get to where I am today.

Today, I can do 70 sit-ups at a go and 50 push-ups (also known as press-ups) at a go. I'm working on pushing up the numbers by 10 and I strongly urge you to do the same if you've started working out too. If you have not, kindly dedicate 10 minutes of your time every morning to sweating and slowly transforming your body into a physique you gaze at in front of the mirror smiling.

Ten minutes is all it takes - 10 minutes. It won't kill you but I won't lie to you; it will hurt a little (because your body is going through changes) in the first week. After that, your body slowly get's used to the transformation.

I'll stop here for now. Best of luck as you begin...

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